Steps of the DUI Defense Process – ORZ 360

l content (BAC). There are some minor issues, and many can be fatal. DUI comes with legal implications whenever you encounter the law enforcement agencies. The charges can impact your reputation, personal life and your career.
A drunk driving lawyer who is familiar with state and federal laws for representation when you’re arrested to be convicted of DUI is essential. The attorney negotiates and guides you through the arraignment process, trial, and sentencing. The cost ranges between $5,000 and $12,000. The punishments for DUI offenses include a 72-hour sentence as well as a fine of $1500 and a license revocation for minimum 90 days. Being under the influence of alcohol may put one at risk of his or professional career as well as others.
It is possible to be charged with DUI for a second time or first time offender. It is based on actual impairment of drugs or being under the influence based on the amount of alcohol present within your body. If you are convicted of DWI, the first time could result in suspension of your license for 90 days and mandatory ignition lock device installation. Fines may also be issued. A minimum sentence of 72 hours in jail is mandatory. In the next 15 years, a second conviction will cause at least 20 days in prison and at least 3000 dollars. vwyfv7kas9.

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